Thursday, February 24, 2011

~Freddie Aguilar~ (Bulag,Pipi at Bingi)


  1. My analogy:
    The song reflects the true characters of a people, not literally blind, deaf, and mute but there are times though we are not having these differences it seems like we're the one who is blind, deaf, and mute based on our actions.

  2. My analogy:
    It says here in the song that in every person there is a blind, a deaf, and a mute. There is wrong and there is right.

  3. My analogy:
    The singer and the author emphasize here that blessed are those who are literally blind for they do not see the earthly sin.

  4. My analogy:
    Many of us are living like this,deaf-pretending like we don't hear anything.Just because we don't want to include ourselves to the things that is happening.

  5. My analogy:
    Many are living like a mute- though this person knew something but because he/she has not been given a chance to have voice, he/ she simply choose to not speak
